Graduate Studies
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MSc Degrees

Ref. ID Position Group
GS-2024013 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Internal Combustion Engines Fed with Renewable fuels Assoc. Prof. Madan Kumar
GS-2024010 Master (MSc) Position in Wind turbine wakes: flow analysis and modelling Assoc. Prof. Vikrant Gupta
GS-2024009 Master (MSc) Position in Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting Assoc. Prof. Vikrant Gupta
GS-2024008 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in the Lab. of Precise Catalytic Organic Transformations Assoc. Prof. Sehoon Park
GS-2024004 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Alternative Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines Assoc. Prof. Pavlos Dimitriou
GS-2024002 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Fluid/Solid mechanics and Surface Science 机械系姜又华课题组招收硕博研究生 Assoc. Prof. Youhua Jiang
GS-2023008 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in the Sustainable Energy Technologies Research Group. Assoc. Prof. Kumaran Kannaiyan
GS-2023006 PhD / Master (MSc) Positions in Catalytic Conversion of Biomass/Plastic 生物质/塑料催化转化博士/硕士生招聘 Assoc. Prof. Xi Gao
GS-2023005 PhD / Master (MSc) Positions in Advanced Membrane Technology Group of A/Prof. Xuezhong He Assoc. Prof. Xuezhong He
GS-2023002 Master Positions in polydispersed multiphase flow experiments and/or simulation Assoc. Prof. Bo Kong
GS-2022008 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Baron-Lab Assoc. Prof. Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec
GS-2022006 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Synthetic Biology and Intelligent Control Assoc. Prof. Peng Xu
GS-2022005 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Energy and Electronic Materials Assoc. Prof. Woo Jin Hyun
GS-2022004 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Electrocatalysis Assoc. Prof. Weiran Zheng
GS-2022002 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in virtual reality based surgical simulations Assoc. Prof. Zhujiang Wang
GS-2022001 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in 3D printed medical devices Assoc. Prof. Zhujiang Wang
GS-2021010 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Dielectrics and Energy Storage(广东以色列理工学院招聘电介质材料和储能器件博士/硕士研究生) Prof. Daniel Qi Tan
GS-2021009 PhD/Master (MSc) Position in Soft Wearables Lab of Prof. Yan Wang Assoc. Prof. Yan Wang
GS-2021008 PhD/Master (MSc) Position in Fluorescence detected two-dimensional spectroscopy of molecules and molecular aggregates Assoc. Prof. Khadga Jung Karki
GS-2021007 PhD/Master (MSc) Position in Nonlinear optoelectronics using dielectrics and wide bandgap semiconductors Assoc. Prof. Khadga Jung Karki
GS-2021004 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Multiphase Flow Experiment, Simulation, and Application Assoc. Prof. Xi Gao
GS-2021001 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Physical Metallurgy Prof. Yuanshen Qi
GS-2020009 PhD and MSc Positions in Fluid Dynamics, Thermofluids, and Interfacial Phenomena Prof. Youhua Jiang
GS-2020003 Research positions at different level are available in Molecular Electronics Prof. Zuoti Xie
GS-2019010 PhD / Master (MSc) Positions in Food Sustainability Dr. Yigal Achmon
GS-2019001 PhD / Master (MSc) Positions in Geometric Function Theory Assoc. Prof. Antti Rasila
GS-2018013 PhD / Master (MSc) Positions in Surface Chemistry Prof. Kai Huang
GS-2019007 PhD / Master (MSc) Positions Under Chemical Engineering Programme Prof. Ziyi Zhong
GS-2020012 PhD/Master (MSc) in Computational Materials Science Prof. Nan Wang
GS-2018005 PhD/Master (MSc) in Fish Microbiology or Disease Resistance in Fish Prof. Ka Yin Leung