Limei Cha

Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Electron Microscopy Center of Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering Program

Dr. Limei Cha joined GTIIT in 2018 as a senior research scientist and the Director of Electron Microscopy Center (Click to know more about EM Center). She has a comprehensive background, both theoretically and experimentally, in the field of materials science and electron microscopy. Her research mainly focuses on using diverse advanced electron microscopy methods to investigate materials structures (down to subatomic level) and chemical compositions, and building up the interrelations between microstructure, chemical composition and properties of materials. Simulations may also be combined with experimental results to understand the specific characteristics of materials deeply. Besides alloys, thin films, intermetallics and energy materials investigated, research on biomaterials is envisaged in the future. 

Limei Cha received her BSc from Tianjin University and MSc from Kunming University of Science and Technology, China. In 2003 she went to Max-Planck-Institute for Metal Research (MPI-MF), Stuttgart, Germany, where she studied materials science and electron microscopy in Prof. Ruehle’s group and earned her PhD. From 2006 to 2010, Dr. Cha started her postdoctoral research in University of Leoben in Austria, focusing on the correlation between microstructural and mechanical properties of TiAl alloys for 4 years. From 2011 to 2013, she joined Institute of Chemistry and Materials Science Paris East (ICMPE-CNRS) and Institute of Matériaux Jean Rouxel Nantes (IMN-CNRS) of France National Centre for Scientific Research, characterizing microstructures and analyzing interface development in steels and energy materials. Since 2014 Dr. Cha was employed as an associate professor in College of Materials Science and Engineering in Hunan University where she was awarded annual best supervisor for diploma theses in 2015. In addition to giving lectures on materials science and cooperating with several research groups, she spearheaded one project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (2015-2017). Moreover, she was also in charge of a project supported by Hunan Province (2016-2017), investigating interfacial structure features and evolution of solar cell films.