Mechanical Engineering (Robotics)

Assoc. Prof. Youhua Jiang


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Application Deadline
Open till filled
Date posted
January 12, 2024

Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology   (GTIIT), China & Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.

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Position title
机械系姜又华课题组招收硕博研究生 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Fluid/Solid mechanics and Surface Science (GS-2024002) - Group of Assoc. Prof. Youhua Jiang


GTIIT is a satellite university of Technion – Israel institute of Technology, which ranks 79 in the ARWU ranking. The students will be co-advised by an advisor at Technion and an advisor at GTIIT, conduct research at GTIIT, take courses at GTIIT, and receive the diploma from Technion.


姜又华,机械系副教授,已在界面现象领域(其领域涉及固体力学、流体力学、物理化学、表面工程)发表SCI论文30余篇,包括PRL, APL, Soft Matter, Langmuir, JCIS, PRF等权威期刊。课题组具有硕士、博士和博士后招收资格,经费充足。2020年10月回国至今,姜老师作为第一或通讯作者,发表SCI论文12篇;作为项目负责人,已获国自然(青年)、广东省自然面上和青年、广东省教育厅特色创新项目、GTIIT-Technion种子基金、非线性力学国家重点实验室开放基金,参与广东省重大项目,并担任国自然函评专家。详细信息见The Jiang Group主页(。

Prof. Youhua Jiang is an associate professor at the Mechanical Engineering department. He has published more than 30 papers in well-renowned journals in Interfacial Phenomena, Surface Science, Mechanics, and Physical Chemistry. He has also been awarded many competitive grants, including NSFC and Guangdong-NSF, and is a reviewer for NSFC.



Research condition: the research group has many research facilities in droplet dynamics and statics, and micro-/nanofabrication.



The achievements of students: The lab has been established for around 2 years. Regardless of the background, every student will publish one paper in well-renowned journals after around 1.5 years, such as:

唐同学(访问硕士研究生):Tang, J.; Shan, Y.*; Jiang, Y.*, The Control of Dry-Out Patterns using Bubble-Containing Droplets, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2023, 645, 12-21. (一区,Top期刊)

魏同学(科研助理):Wei, C.; Zong, Y.; Jiang, Y.*, Bioinspired Wire-On-Pillar Magneto-Responsive Superhydrophobic Arrays, ACS. Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15(20), 24989-24998.(一区,Top期刊)

纵同学(科研助理):Zong, Y.; Oron, A.; Liu, H.; Jiang, Y.*, Dynamic and Quasi-Static Droplet Penetration Through Meshes, Langmuir 2023, 39(28), 9808-9815.(二区,Top期刊)

刘同学(访问硕士研究生):Liu, B.; Tang, J.; Li, J.; Shan, Y.*; Jiang, Y.*, Soft Wetting: Modified Cassie-Baxter Equation for Soft Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Colloids Surf. A. 2023, 677, 132348.(二区)

李同学(硕士学生):Li, J.; Oron, A.; Jiang, Y.*, Droplet Jump-off Force on a Superhydrophobic Surface, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2023, 8(11), 113601(流体力学领域排名第二的权威期刊)

魏同学(科研助理):Wei, C.; Gendelman, O.; Jiang, Y.*, A Superhydrophobicity-Slipperiness Switchable Surface with Magneto- and Thermo-Responsive Wires for Repelling Complex Droplets, Langmuir, in press(二区,Top期刊)



Group culture: Based on the reputation of Technion, the research group has high standards for students. For students with strong motivations, they will learn a lot.



  1. 申请硕士:本科成绩平均分一般要求85。
  2. 申请博士:对科研成果和成绩皆有要求,具体情况一事一议
  3. 有机会豁免GRE或托福成绩,但不代表对英语能力无要求,会有全英文面试。若英文不够好,可先以科研助理身份入职后,再申请。
  4. 申请博士研究生,需有以下相关研究经历之一:


  1. For MSc:The average score for undergraduate study should be above 85。
  2. For Ph.D.:It will be discussed case by case.
  3. The GRE or Tofel may be waived for special conditions.
  4. For Ph.D., the candidates need to be in those areas:

Fluid mechanics, Solid mechanics, Thermodynamics, Interfacial Phenomena, Micro-/nanofabrication, MEMS



  • 若学生符合要求,需做一个PPT讲给同学们听(演讲用中英双语皆可,PPT用英文写),介绍其在硕士阶段的科研经历(15分钟,主要考查经验和能力),再讲述其在姜老师课题组的潜在科研兴趣(15分钟,主要考查兴趣、态度和学习能力)。
  • 与姜老师的一对一交流。

Please take a look at and contact Prof. Youhua Jiang via

  • The students will need to take a 30-mins interview by demonstrating their capability via a PPT.
  • Talk to Prof. Jiang.
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Position: 机械系姜又华课题组招收硕博研究生 PhD/Master (MSc) Positions in Fluid/Solid mechanics and Surface Science (GS-2024002) - Group of Assoc. Prof. Youhua Jiang

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