Materials Science and Engineering Program
Research Area
Electromagnetic Intervening Device and Film Capacitors

Prof. Daniel Tan


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Application Deadline
Open till filled
Date Posted

13 April 2020

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Position title
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Electromagnetic Intervening Device and Film Capacitors (电磁干预和薄膜电容器技术博士后)-Group of Prof. Daniel Tan (RF-2020004)
一、Team introduction 学术团队简介

The Tan group pursues organic and inorganic film processing, electrochemical supercapacitor, and neurobiology researches. As a team of international scientists, we practice the multi-disciplinary collaboration investigating the relationship between coating process, structure and properties of polymer films, the fabrication of energy storage and electromagnetic intervening devices for Alzheimer Diseases. The candidates in dielectric materials and/or electrical engineering are preferred to apply.

二、Research direction招聘研究方向


  1. 博士符合广以理工招收的条件,经过导师面试和招收委员会评估录用;PhD interviewed
  2. 有较强的高分子材料背景、电磁场理论基础和电子线路设计(不同职位)、独立科研才干,较好的英文理解与表达能力。Expertise & English
四、Financial compensation岗位待遇
  1. 年薪为20-30万,具体视资历而定,课题组根据实际表现额外给予奖励;200-300k RMB
  2. 聘期内参照学校正式职工享受相关福利(医疗保险、住房补贴以及其他社会保险等福利),可按规定申请学校公寓(二室一厅住房);Provide housing subsidy and insurance
  3. 聘期2-3年,表现优秀者可推荐申请校内研究员岗位;applicable to researcher position
  4. 提供良好的科研环境和发展平台,支持申报博后基金、国家和广东科技基金。Support growth and grant applications
五、Application package申请材料
  1. 个人简历和求职陈述信;CV and Personal statement
  2. 代表性论文或专利、硕博学位证明;publication and certificates
  3. 三封推荐信及其联系方式。3 references


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Position: Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Electromagnetic Intervening Device and Film Capacitors (电磁干预和薄膜电容器技术博士后)-Group of Prof. Daniel Tan (RF-2020004)

Thank you for submitting your application. We will contact you shortly!