
Eli Aljadeff
Professor, Head of Mathematics with Computer Science Program
Mathematics with Computer Science Program
Research Interests
- Polynomial Identities
- Group Gradings on Algebras
- Brauer Groups
- Group Cohomology and Division Algebras

Antti Rasila
Associate Professor
Mathematics with Computer Science Program
Research Interests
- Complex Analysis (harmonic and quasiconformal mappings)
- Geometry of Conformal Invariants
- Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
- Computer-aided Mathematics
- E-learning in Mathematics

Nikita Kalinin
Associate Professor
Mathematics with Computer Science Program
Research Interests
- tropical geometry
- algebraic geometry
- complex analysis
- hyperbolic geometry
- sandpiles
- knots
- number theory
- matroids
- auctions
- pattern formation
- history of mathematics
Address: 241 Daxue Road, Jinping District, Shantou, Guangdong Province, China
©Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 2018
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