Teaching and Learning Online Environment
My GTIIT Portal
GTIIT Applications Intranet Portal, which provides a list of accessible business systems based on user roles.
Exams Preparation
TomaSafe is an system that allows the faculty member to conveniently and securely deposit the exam questionnaire and guidance form.
Grading Interface
GTIIT Digital exams process – Online exams preparation, scanning and cloud-based software for online grading for teachers. Integrated with GTIIT UG system and the Technion Grades system to deliver the graded exams notebooks for our students.
GTIIT Panaptop
Panopto is a Video Learning Platform for Education. It offers faculty and students an easy-to-use video learning platform for recording, managing & streaming videos.
Online Learning System. The course-based website supports teacher and student communication, assignments, materials, and more.
Zoom Conferencing
Record lectures by using Zoom on your computer; have a discussion session with students via zoom.