About IT Department
The Information Technology Department is a technical administration unit to oversee and manage IT resources and infrastructures on campus. It helps to identify and implement the most efficient technology solutions that enable faculty, staff and students to more readily achieve their academic, research and administrative missions.
Business Application Development & Maintenance
Responsible for application system planning, design, development, operation and maintenance. These systems include the Office Automation, Enterpriser Resources Planning System, Research Information Management System, Classroom Attendance Marking system, Online Class Recording System etc. to fulfill the needs of different departments.

IDC & Network Infrastructure
Responsible for the development and maintenance of information data center and network infrastructure. It ensures the normal operation of Wireless and Wired Networks, Campus Firewall, Cybersecurity, Backup and Disaster Recovery, and etc.; and it puts information security under surveillance and handles emergency risks.

IT Shared Service Portal
The service portal is the main point of contact between the end user and the service desk. We currently use Freshservice as our helpdesk system. Getting help and support from IT Department, feel free to contact us.