• Brief description of prokorytes and eukorytes differences. Bacterial species in water and soil. Viruses (human) and water. Parasitic protozoa in drinking water. Means of removal of bacteria, viruses and protozoa in water. Bacterial regrowth in water supply systems. N,C,S,P elements cycles connected to bacteria and geomicrobiological aspects. Health risk assessment of contaminated water. Introduction to epidemilogy. Basic methods of study. Experimental and case-control studies making sense out of study. Experimental and case-control studies. Making sense out of statictical associations.""Role of the catalytic surface, reactivity of surfaces, absorption/ desorption on surfaces, catalyst porous structure, electronic metal support interactions, lewis- bronsted acid- base heterogeneous catalysts, synthesis and charechterization of heterogeneous catalysts, heterogeneously catalyzed reactions pertaining to the synthesis of alternative fuels. learning outcomes: at the end of the course the student will be able to: 1. understand the role of the catalytic surface. 2. understand the functionality and how to compute parameters relevant to the catalyst physical and chemical parameters. 3. know the effect of the catalyst electronic and surface properties on catalytic perfomance. 4. explore catlyst synthesis and charechterization methods. 5. correlate catalytic properties and reactions relavant to alternative fuels.