• introduction: continuum, stress, fluid, viscosity. control volume and integral description: mass conservation, momentum, angular momentum and energy equations. bernoulli s equation. dimensional analysis and similarity laws. kinematics: streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines. stream-function and material derivative. differential description: continuity and momentum equations. hydrostatics. newtonian fluids, naiver-stokes equations and boundary conditions. normalization of equations, nondimensional numbers and order-of-magnitude analysis. exact solutions. surface tension: contact angle, young-laplace equation and capillary rise. stokes equations. euler equations and potential flow. boundary layers: differential and integral boundary layer equations, approximate solutions, viscous forces and drag. laminar and turbulent flow in pipes: reynolds experiment, turbulence, moody diagram, losses and engineering bernoulli s equation. experimenting with fluid mechanics as part of a personal or group project.