Mathematics with Computer Science

From: Writer: Data:2022-05-10 Visited:2943

1. Program Positioning

The study program Mathematics with Computer Science (MCS) Program has the characteristics of strong foundation of the relevant disciplines and wide application range. The novelty of the program is a combination of high-level education in Mathematics in terms of depths of the courses and their wide scope together with a strong education both theoretical and professional in Computer Science. The program exposes the stronger students to research projects supervised by experienced professors. Students who complete their studies within the prescribed period will be awarded a bachelor's degree from the Technion, as well as a bachelor's degree and a graduation certificate from the Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT).

 2. Talent-cultivation Goal

By mastering the combination of the disciplines, mathematics and computer science, graduates from the program will have access to a wide range of positions in the high-tech industry, economics (e.g. actuarial science), data science and AI. With this particular combination of Math with CS offered by the program, graduates will be able to master along their work after the graduation up to date developments in the professional world and in particular in the area of Computer Science.

As for further studies, students are welcome by prestigious graduate programs in areas as pure and applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Data Science, Economics, Theoretical Physics, etc.

3.Total Credits for Graduation

The total credits of the 4-year undergraduate program are 147, including 16 credits of moral and political theory courses requested by the China Ministry of Education (17 credits for Cohort 2020 and later cohorts). Students must complete 2 credits of physical education courses during the 4 years of study.

4. Study Years

4 years, students will be awarded the bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of GTIIT, and the bachelor’s degree in Mathematics with Computer Science from the Technion. 

5. Basic Requirements for Talents Cultivation

a.      Students will undergo systematic training in mathematical thinking, master the methodologies of mathematical sciences, and possess a solid foundation in mathematics as well as strong mathematical language expression skills.
b.      Students will have the preliminary ability to conduct mathematical research or apply mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems.
c.      Students will be familiar with the historical overview of mathematics and its wide applications, as well as the latest advancements in contemporary mathematics.
d.      Students will master the basic methods of information retrieval, literature search, and the use of modern technology to obtain relevant information.
e.      Students will be proficient in the use of computers, achieving a good level of computer literacy, and be aware of the current state and trends in the development of computer science.
f.       Adopt a full English teaching model, using English-language original textbooks to cultivate students' English thinking and logical abilities, ensuring they have the equivalent language level required for studying at universities in English-speaking countries. Students will have a certain international perspective and the ability to engage in cross-cultural communication, competition, and cooperation.

6. Graduation Requirements

Students must complete the required credits stipulated by the teaching plan within the prescribed years, obtaining no less than the specified 131 credits (including 109.5 credits for program core courses, 15.5 credits for elective courses, and 6 credits for general education). Additionally, each course must be passed with a minimum grade of 55, and the GPA above 65. Fulfilling the requirement of 16/17 credits for moral and political theory courses, students may be approved for graduation upon review.

Please refer to the below undergraduate curriculum for details.

7. Basic Information Resources

The program cultivation scheme, syllabus, teaching requirements, assessment criteria, graduation evaluation standard, as well as other fundamental teaching information, are available in the form of brochures, websites, etc.

8. Textbooks and References

The selection of textbooks that reflect international standards, particularly those in foreign languages, is conducive to the stable implementation of bilingual or fully English-medium instruction.