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Chancellor’s Scholarship Policy for Gaokao 2022

From: Writer: Data:2022-06-18 Visited:642

Awarding Standard

For students who ranked in top 2% in province.


Taking into account the actual situation of the university and relevant policy requirements, the award of this scholarship is divided into two parts: the amount for paying tuition and the award in retaining. The amounts of the two parts of each level are divided as shown below (unit: RMB)


Total Amount

(Four years)

Amount for paying tuition

(given to the awardee to cover tuition in GTIIT)

Award in retaining

(given in 2nd, 3rd, 4th year in GT)

600,000 Yuan

360,000 Yuan

80,000 Yuan / Year


1. Amount for paying tuition: Awardees will receive an amount for paying tuition after the first year of enrollment, which will only be used to pay tuition for that year and subsequent years. If there is insufficiency between the amount and the tuition after the amount has been used, the student will be required to make up the difference. If a student ends his/her studies in GTIIT early for reasons other than graduation, his/her amount will be void and will not be refunded.

2. Award in retaining: After enrollment, students who meet the following conditions will receive a retaining award in subsequent years (fall semester in sophomore to senior year), which will be transferred to the student's bank account.

(1) The student must comply with laws and regulations and the Student Code of Conduct and not be placed on probation or above.

(2) The student must have good academic performance, including the following requirements: complete the academic year in accordance with UG requirements, fail no more than one course, and have a GPA (Grade Point Average) of 90 or above in the academic year. If the GPA is less than 90 but 80 or above, he/she will receive half of the retaining award, i.e. RMB 40,000.

Note: If the student fails to meet the above requirements for retaining in the current year, the award will be cancelled for that year; if the student fails to meet the above requirements for two consecutive years, the student will be disqualified from this scholarship. The amount for paying tuition given to student already remains valid and can be used to offset the tuition year by year.

For those who studies more than four years in GTIIT, the retaining is not applicable for the years out of four years.

This policy is applicable to GTIIT undergraduates enrolled in 2022. Final decisions are subject to the GTIIT Scholarship Committee.